From Dr. Lee Cowden: Areas of greatest interest in medicine.
I have a passion to educate health professionals how to use all the different diagnostic and therapeutic modalities that are available in integrative medicine to help their patients, especially those patients who are given no help and no hope by the allopathic medical community.
Therapeutic modalities I have used.
Diagnostically, in addition to the usual allopathic history-taking, physical exam, laboratory testing and imaging procedures, I have used evaluative kinesiology, Chinese pulse assessment, sclerology, iridology, Chinese tongue and fingernail evaluation, and various forms of electro-dermal screening. Recently, I have found the fully-automated, quantitative electro-dermal screening systems to be the most useful single diagnostic aid. Therapeutically, I use diet, lifestyle counseling, emotional counseling, Recall Healing, EMDR, REMAP, Thought-Field Therapy, orthomolecular nutrient therapy, herbal therapies, homeopathic therapies, fixed-magnetic therapies, pulsed-electro-magnetic frequency therapies, oxidative therapies (ozone, IV hydrogen peroxide, etc.), color therapies, laser and other photonic therapies, sauna-therapy, colon hydrotherapy, lymphatic-drainage, modified fasting and various other detox therapies, German Neural therapy, reflexology, electro-acupressure therapy, Ki-Iki-Jyutsu therapy, and prayer (just to name those I use most often).
Health conditions with which I have had the greatest success.
I have had very good success treating non-invasively the following conditions: atherosclerotic disease, cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, all types of arthritis, chronic fatigue, Lyme disease, Autism, most cancers, type 1 and 2 diabetes, chronic sinusitis and a variety of other chronic diseases.