Workshop Topics
- Exposure to several types of muscle-testing with focus on developing some proficiency with at least one type, especially a one-handed muscle-testing technique (O-Ring-Belt-Loop test)
- Learn surrogate-testing and why to use it; also learn 3 Emergency TKM techniques
- Learning causes of blocked regulation/reversed polarity & how to correct each cause to avoid erroneous muscle-testing results
- Learn other causes of erroneous muscle-testing results (switching, tester-bias and fractured personality) and how to correct; also, effectiveness & tolerance amplification
- Muscle-testing for geopathic fields and for electromagnetic fields & correcting
- Learn 2-point testing & how to muscle-test to screen for basic emotions affecting health
- Muscle-testing energetic vortices spin direction & ways to correct it; also 3 more TKM techniques
- Muscle-testing 46 Voll Control-Measurement- on hands & feet + how to correct
- Muscle-testing for percentage Causes of Disease
- Learning how to muscle-test for chronic Traumatic-Brain-Injury & how to correct
- Learning muscle-testing for “jammed skull” and how to “unjam” the skull manually
- Muscle-testing joint misalignments & teaching clients how to self-adjust their joints
- Learning NEW Laser Energetic Detox method that requires no electrodermal screening
Laser Detox Muscle-test kit
Offered separately for $450; the muscle-testing kit has 100 vials necessary to do NEW Laser Detox and the kit will be hand-delivered at the workshop to attendees who have purchased them separately for the early-bird price (or will be shipped UPS ground to attendees if ordered after August 12).
The OLD Laser Detox required testing with a Zyto Elite (almost $15,000 new) which also had loaded into it $900 worth of Dr. Cowden’s Biosurveys & the 17,000 additional testing items which Dr. Cowden linked into the Zyto software. The NEW Laser Detox requires MUCH less equipment (a portable infrared sauna for about $200 and a RemedyMaker for about $650 and the 100-vial muscle-testing kit for $400). Practitioners who do Laser Detox are continually amazed how much improvement their clients get from this one procedure because Laser Detox removes most toxins from the body at least 20 times faster than the next-fastest detoxification technique!