Neuroregeneration Webinar Series

At ACIM we place high importance on bringing you exciting and informative webinars that will help you grow as a practitioner. These webinars feature physicians, researchers and exceptional educators who are embracing unique thought processes and new modalities. They are always free with your membership and are designed to be simple, quick and readily available. We know your time is limited and we want to respect that so we keep them short but engaging and always relevant. We hope that you will enjoy these featured webinars live or through the archives of our ACIM site.





Webinar Archives

Mechanisms of Brain Degeneration & Objective Tools to Track Regeneration

What's Included:

Mechanisms of Brain Degeneration & Objective Tools to Track Regeneration

Presented by: Michael Kessler DC

In today’s world most of us can tell from the news that we have a population of people that have cognitive issues. This is apparent from the massive violence to suicides; from the rate of Alzheimer’s and autism rates on the incline; and lastly, the alarming increase in depression and anxiety. The Health Detectives Tool Kit was formed to teach health professionals how to use evaluation tools to screen their patients in an attempt to offset future brain degeneration as well as to track progress with well designed programs. In this webinar we will track two cases of head trauma. One of the cases we are tracking has PTSD as well. The evaluation tools we’re using for our evaluations are the HeartQuest heartrate variability system and the Brain Gauge a brain function evaluation system. We will also explain the various parameters of the Brain Gauge and also what is involved in neurodegeneration in brief.

Attendees will learn:
- Some of the more important biochemical mechanisms of neurodegeneration & how to reverse them
- How historical questionnaires are used to guide Neuroregeneration & to validate change after treatment
- Brain Guage, HRV & objective tools to track neuro disease
- Various treatment modalities for improving brain function & show evidence of change post-treatment

Objective Tools for Tracking Brain Degeneration to Regeneration

What's Included:

In this webinar, Dr. Michael Kessler & Dr. Sondra Becchetti will teach attendees how to effectively treat various chronic neuro-degenerative diseases using multi-modal, integrative techniques and how to objectively track the results of treatment using Brain Guage (sensory testing), heart-rate variability, etc. They will also show the benefits of using a historical questionnaire to verify changes in the neurological conditions.

Bringing Sexy Back - Transform the Body You Have into the Body You Want

What's Included:

Losing excess fat and restoring health in a permanent and painless manner requires a new approach and a new and more empowering perspective starting with a deep understanding and appreciation for the biological purpose behind the body’s inclination to “fatten up”. “Extra fat is biologically meaningful and purposeful and is a survival program that kicks in under certain well defined circumstances and is associated with very specific conflict programs that can be identified and reversed.” Resolve the biological conflicts that underpins obesity and you’ll naturally release the fat. In this webinar Dr. De Wet unlocks the complex interactions between the mind, body and spirit to help you lose weight permanently and give you the body you truly want. Dr. De Wet is the author of a book titled “Heal Thyself: Transform your Life, Transform Your Health” and “Bringing Sexy Back: Transform the Body You Have to the Body You Want”. He hosts a radio show called “Dr Pieter De Wet Live” on toginet.

Arthritis Reversed!! - Keys to reversing rheumatoid and osteoarthritis

What's Included:

This webinar will shed new light on key strategies that are so powerful that even severe cases of osteoarthritis as well as rheumatoid arthritis can see marked improvement, yes even cure. Key concepts and treatment strategies that will be discussed include an overview of the different stages of progression of arthritic conditions and how to approach these conditions in each stage of development. You will learn about the role of microbes, nutrient deficiencies, diet, physical wear and tear, toxicity, acid /alkaline imbalances, hormones, emotions, the specific emotional and geneological conflicts programming for these conditions.

You will also learn about a series of treatment protocols from homeopuncture, mesotherapy and segment therapy strategies in conjunction with complex homeopathics, to nutriceutical strategies, to detoxification strategies, to antimicrobial ( both natural herbal, homeopathic and conventional) strategies, to electromagnetic and other energetic strategies, to hormonal strategies to recall healing and genealogical healing strategies.

A number of case studies will be used to illustrate how people have taken charge of their arthritic conditions and have literally reversed their conditions and stopped their deforming rheumatoid and osteoarthritis in its tracks.

Avoiding Macular Degeneration

What's Included:

Preventing is better than reversing! Join Dr. Damon Miller has he shares his work with thousands of people with Macular Degeneration and other serious retinal diseases like Stargardt and Retinitis Pigmentosa. These people have an abnormal gene that has predisposed them to their eye disease, and they worry that their children are at risk. In the work he does to help restore vision for people with degenerative eye disease, Dr. Miller has also learned much about how to help prevent these diseases. Dr. Miller will share some of what he has learned about epigenetics, and how you can keep a bad gene from expressing itself, using his work with eye disease as the model.

Cowden Support Program - Step-by-step Explanation Part 1

What's Included:

The Cowden Support Program (CSP) is a completely natural program of herbs and nutritional supplements used to improve the health of people suffering from Lyme Borreliosis, chronic fungal infections and a variety of multi-symptom, multi-microbial inflammatory conditions. During this webinar, Dr. Cowden will explain the various products used in this empiric program, how they are used, why they are used, and how their dosing amounts and dosing schedule can be varied to achieve a more individualized program. He will discuss some alternate and additional products that can be used in the CSP and the indications for those products. He will also discuss some of the co-morbid conditions that predispose people to chronic infection/inflammation and how those conditions can be identified.

Health Transformation though Life Transformation

What's Included:

During this webinar Dr. De Wet will cover the basic principles of holistic healing and will emphasize the fact that health can only be transformed long term through encouraging, supporting and facilitating life transformation whether we are working on ourselves or assisting others in their healing. He will help participants understand that disease is in fact a blessing, not a curse -- a biological solution to internal imbalances created by unresolved inner conflicts in conjunction with other factors such as lifestyle, environmental toxins and infectious agents as well as mental, emotional, social and spiritual factors?

Creating a Healthy Home: Limiting Your Exposure to Chemical Toxins

What's Included:

Children with autism are very much like the canaries that miners have taken down into the mines. These vulnerable children become ill first from environmental pollution, but soon, others who are not as vulnerable also start becoming ill. According to the latest CDC report, 1 out of every 50 school-age children now has an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). There is mounting evidence that environmental influences are playing a role in the increasing rates of ASD. The combination of genetic vulnerabilities along with environmental toxins may result in disturbances or imbalances in the immune, gastrointestinal, mitochondrial, hormonal, and/or neurologic systems in some children.

In this talk, we will begin with a brief overview of the scientific literature of the effects of various toxins on health, including BPA, pthalates, flame retardants and toxins in our food supply. Then, tools and strategies will be presented to help you reduce your family’s exposure to environmental toxins and create a ‘healthy home.’ So this presentation will be useful to everyone who has chronic illness (not just children with autism) as well as those who are interested in taking preventative measures in order to remain well.


Resolve Emotions - Resolve Cancer

What's Included:

Co-existing causes such as toxins, genetic factors, nutritional deficiencies, etc. are usually present in a person with cancer, but often the trigger for the development of cancer is one or more emotional conflicts and associated beliefs of the person. Long-term survival for a person with cancer can often be tied to the mental and emotional factors that give them the will to live, including: Believing in future goals & aspirations, Motivation to overcome, Reducing stress, Willingness to resolve emotional traumas, Hopefulness powered by the belief of recovery. Dr. Cowden discusses practical techniques that he has found to be successful in assisting clients to resolve their emotions and then resolve cancer.

Goals & Objectives:

  1. For attendees to understand the importance of the mental/emotional in cancer development 
  2. For attendees to understand the importance of resolving mental/emotional issues in cancer patients 
  3. For attendees to learn the basics of some techniques used to quickly resolve mental/emotional issues

Innovative Intravenous Treatments for Chronic Disease

What's Included:

Dr Victor Marcial-Vega discusses the use of IV push EDTA calcium in 250 patients from Puerto Rico and the results on levels of cholesterol, LDL, triglicerides, blood sugar, and other illnesses. He compares these results with the use of conventional 3 hour infusions of EDTA disodium in previously treated patients and the differences between the two. He also discusses the use of intravenous vitamin C, hydrogen peroxide and ozone in the management of the flu and cancer
